Just FYI, when you say ‘people love you and/or need you’ it makes things worse. OMG, I am not thinking of death and non-existence because people don’t love me.

Actually, someone who has no-one to love them may be sad coz they’re lonely or the world is full of cunty arseholes THAT IS NOT DEPRESSION. 

Fun fact: Depression IS all in your head!! It is actually chemicals that have shifted for fuck knows what reason. It isn’t because I don’t run through the forest at 4am on a frosty morning. It also isn’t because I eat carbs.It might be triggered by some icky event but, no, I am not depressed because I don’t fit into size 8 t-shirts.200_s

I know I have people who love me. I know I am blessed with precious people who actually need me. I know I am not being pretentious in saying that – I have many people who let me know they need and love me. When I am at my lowest low telling me this is like getting out a giant highlighter and drawing all over my self-loathing, pointing arrows of glowing yellow at my selfishness and my western-individualist-narcissistic sadness.

Some things to say instead: “Sounds like things suck”, “Want a cider?” or even “Want me to leave you alone? Coz that is okay”.